Access Resourcecode hindcast database by using webR in Quarto HTML Documents

This is a webR-enabled code cell in a Quarto HTML document. We first have to load the packages needed.

Once everything is up and working, we can click on the blue button to run the data exploration.

Extraction of data from the hindcast data base and summary statistics

You have selected a node, and it is possible to retrieve the data from the Casandra database. For this example, we have selected some variables. The list of available variables can be obtained using the get_variables method in the resourcecode module. We study here the following variables:

  • \(H_s\) the significant wave height;
  • \(f_p\) the peak frequency;
  • \(D_p\) the direction at peak frequency;
  • The energy flux \(CgE\);

The figure below is an example of the time series that can be extracted from the database.

\(H_s\), \(T_p\) and \(CgE\) are shown here, but the code can be changed to plot any of the available variables.

The figure below shows the joint distributions:

\((H_s,\ T_p)\)

\((H_s,\ D_p)\)

and \((H_s,\ CgE)\)

Wave Rose

Wind Rose

To draw wind roses, we need additional data that are being downloaded below.

For reproducibility purpose and debugging, we show the session information bellow.